Bernard Baruch You can overcome anything if you don’t bellyache. – Bernard Baruch Bellyache Quotes Overcome Quotes We can’t cross that bridge until we come to it, but I always like to lay down a pontoon ahead of time. Whatever failures I have known, whatever errors I have committed, whatever follies I have witnessed in private and public life have been the consequence of action without thought.
Alexa Bliss Bodybuilding gave me a healthy way to gain weight and learn to balance my life. Earning my pro card within a year, I got to do something I enjoyed and be healthy at the same time. – Alexa Bliss
Diane Garnick One of the biggest challenges is for women to find an organization that’s willing to accept them back after they leave the work force to raise children without taking a cut in compensation and responsibility. – Diane Garnick
Abu Bakr Pride in the case of a rich man is bad, but pride in the case of a poor man is worse. – Abu Bakr
Martin Parr Photographers never want to talk about the fact that they may well be in decline. It’s the greatest taboo subject of all. – Martin Parr
Susie Orbach Today, ‘fat’ has become not a description of size but a moral category tainted with criticism and contempt. – Susie Orbach
Ginnifer Goodwin I think of clothes a lot like costumes. I think of what I wear in real life as being my real life character’s costume. – Ginnifer Goodwin
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