David McCullough You can’t be a full participant in our democracy if you don’t know our history. – David McCullough Democracy Quotes History Quotes Participant Quotes I can fairly be called an amateur because I do what I do, in the original sense of the word – for love, because I love it. On the other hand, I think that those of us who make our living writing history can also be called true professionals.
John Kline The best teachers are those who keep students motivated, challenged and flourishing. – John Kline
Bradley Wiggins I can train harder and put myself through more punishing efforts now than I used to do, having done the Tour de France, and come off the road now. – Bradley Wiggins
Hilaria Baldwin The one thing that I won’t sacrifice is taking care of my kids. I want to make sure I fulfill that commitment. – Hilaria Baldwin
Brantley Gilbert I like to lift and do cardio to stay in shape, so I can walk the dog on somebody, and I like to be strong, but running 10 miles or a decathlon? That don’t support my interests. – Brantley Gilbert
Melissa Rosenberg I find Jessica Jones a much more interesting character to write for than Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman is so noble and heroic, and I don’t find that as interesting as one who’s really damaged and flawed and has post-traumatic stress disorder. – Melissa Rosenberg
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