Dave Blood You can’t control how you are perceived, and you are a fool if you waste any energy trying to do so. Vanity will get you nowhere. – Dave Blood Control Quotes Energy Quotes Fool Quotes Perceived Quotes Vanity Quotes Waste Quotes When it came to the music that we produced, I am pretty happy with what we did.
ChanceEducationWarren Bennis I’ve become more and more aware of the promise and struggle to teach the global mind nowadays because I use every chance I get to ask faculty and administrators of management education programs why we don’t offer at least one course – not even required, just an elective – on the world’s religions. – Warren Bennis
Billy JoelMusicWomen I’m probably writing music now for the same reason as I started writing songs when I was 14 – to meet women. – Billy Joel
Norman Schwarzkopf If Saddam were to be replaced tomorrow he would probably be replaced with someone who’s just as bad or worse than he is. – Norman Schwarzkopf
C Z GuestGardening I’ve always felt that having a garden is like having a good and loyal friend. – C Z Guest
Talib Kweli I remember looking back on a photo of me… wearing a suit that was, like, two sizes too big for me. I think a lot of guys don’t know what fits. – Talib Kweli
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