Carson Palmer You can’t just hope you draft well and not go after free agents and you end up in the Super Bowl. You got to go get it. – Carson Palmer Agents Quotes Bowl Quotes Draft Quotes Hope Quotes Super Quotes I actually don’t listen to CDs very often. I listen to the radio or if I do listen to a CD, it’ll be a mix. You’re judged on Super Bowls, and that’s the standard.
Eddy Merckx Being in a team with a good atmosphere and where the people hang out, you can always outdo yourself there. – Eddy Merckx
Joseph Barbera I was convinced there as only one actor to play Templeton the Rat, and that was Tony Randall. – Joseph Barbera
Stephen Ambrose Johnson had been the most powerful man in the world, yet the North Vietnamese and the Vietcong had resisted, overcome his power, broken his will. – Stephen Ambrose
Ken Shamrock In the WWF, or the WWE as they call it now, the one thing that I was not able to capture was that heavyweight belt. I’m telling you, I want a chance to be able to go after that belt, but only if Brock Lesnar has it, or The Rock has it, or Kurt Angle has it. – Ken Shamrock
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