Art Alexakis You don’t have control of the car, but you can drive it. Life takes you where it wants you to go and where you need to go. – Art Alexakis Car Quotes Control Quotes Drive Quotes Life Quotes Takes Quotes About one or two songs per record is me doing a little bloodletting. I’ve always loved aggressive, hard, noisy, yet melodic bands, and at the same time I’ve always loved ‘Blue’ by Joni Mitchell.
Martin Henderson It’s actually reassuring to see people struggling to do our accent instead of us constantly trying to emulate British or American accents, which we are always asked to do. – Martin Henderson
Michael Bennet I say we have not even had the decency to maintain the assets that our parents and grandparents built for us – our roads, our bridges, our wastewater systems, our sewer systems; by the way, those weren’t Bolsheviks, those weren’t socialists that built those things for us – much less build the infrastructure we need for the 21st century. – Michael Bennet
Katie Taylor I’ve had losses in my career before, and I’ve always come back stronger from those losses. – Katie Taylor
Keiynan Lonsdale As much as I think that in the future we won’t need labels, at the moment they’re really important. So I’m making myself embrace that. I truly am proud to be queer. Even watching ‘Queer Eye’ is something that inspired me to say that. So that’s the power of representation. – Keiynan Lonsdale
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