James Baker You don’t need to know who’s playing on the White House tennis court to be a good president. – James Baker Court Quotes House Quotes Playing Quotes President Quotes Tennis Quotes White Quotes This is what happens, when, for the first time in modern history, a candidate resorts to lawsuits to try to overturn the outcome of an election for president. Sometimes an active policy is best advanced by doing nothing until the right time – or never.
Aslaug Magnusdottir I enjoy walking through Nolita and Chinatown, watching the people and the buildings, browsing through shops and stopping at little cafes for a cup of coffee or glass of wine. – Aslaug Magnusdottir
Dean Karnazes If you just go out there and run 100 miles, it breaks down a lot of barriers in terms of self-imposed limitations. – Dean Karnazes
Sylvia Day I had a very realistic expectation of the level of success that it was possible to attain writing romance novels. – Sylvia Day
Rob Gronkowski Growing up as a kid, I watched Jeremy Shockey… Tony Gonzalez… Antonio Gates. I looked up to them. I watched what they did to be successful. – Rob Gronkowski
Matt Drudge With a modem, anyone can follow the world and report on the world-no middle man, no big brother. I guess this changes everything. – Matt Drudge
Eric Stoltz I was up for Michael Corleone in ‘The Godfather,’ but, as I was only 10 at the time, I think Mr. Coppola made the right choice. The Julia Roberts role in ‘Pretty Woman’ held a bizarre allure for me. But, it’s silly to look back with regret. – Eric Stoltz
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