James Wolfensohn You don’t succeed on corruption in five minutes. I wish one could. – James Wolfensohn Corruption Quotes Minutes Quotes Succeed Quotes China never borrowed less than $3 billion a year during my tenure. They were the most significant client. They used the Bank not just for money but for the know-how. The only way really to influence countries, in terms of poverty, is to get them to change their policies and get them to understand what the issues are.
Elizabeth Berg Ideas come from life: what happens in mine, what I see happening in others’, mixed with a great deal of imagination. I might see a person in a grocery store and build a whole character and life out of what’s in her basket. – Elizabeth Berg
Brennan ManningExperienceGodGoodHealthTrust My trust in God flows out of the experience of his loving me, day in and day out, whether the day is stormy or fair, whether I’m sick or in good health, whether I’m in a state of grace or disgrace. He comes to me where I live and loves me as I am. – Brennan Manning
Philip Rivers I don’t think it’s my job or anything that I owe somebody. But it is nature – coaching – and I like to think I’m pretty charitable in the sense that I like to help people out, share and talk football. – Philip Rivers
Dennis Bergkamp So here, at Arsenal, we are often surprised when we are shown some of the newspapers, and at the bottom of an article there is a line saying if you know of anyone who had an affair with a player, call this number. It is very strange to us. – Dennis Bergkamp
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