Donovan Bailey You find sprinters testing other sprinters’ mental capability. But these are my good friends on the track. I don’t think we need to do that. – Donovan Bailey Capability Quotes Friends Quotes Mental Quotes Sprinters Quotes Testing Quotes Track Quotes A team sport is not very good for me, because I can’t take losing. I’d like to be a more consistent starter. I’d like a smoother transition from crouching to running. I have to learn to relax during a race and how to breathe.
FreedomRonald Reagan Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. – Ronald Reagan
Howie Long Having grown up in that area, and being like every other kid that grows up in that area, it’s John Havlicek, it’s Bobby Orr, it’s Sam Bam Cunningham, it’s names and players like that who you kind of live your dreams through. Having come from there, I’m very proud of the fact I’m from Boston and continue to be proud of that. – Howie Long
Michael Angarano A lot of movies are made, but because they come to film festivals and your movie doesn’t get bought by a studio or a distributor, your movie doesn’t get seen. – Michael Angarano
AloneChristmasJim Carrey My mother was a professional sick person; she took a lot of pain pills. There are many people like that. It’s just how they are used to getting attention. I always remember she’s the daughter of alcoholics who’d leave her alone at Christmas time. – Jim Carrey
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