Ben CarsonGreat You have the ability to choose which way you want to go. You have to believe great things are going to happen in your life. Do everything you can – prepare, pray and achieve – to make it happen. – Ben Carson Ability Quotes Achieve Quotes Choose Quotes Great Quotes Happen Quotes Life Quotes Pray Quotes Prepare Quotes Great lives never go out; they go on. The 24% unemployment reached at the depths of the Great Depression was no picnic.
Dan Pallotta It’s time to stop obsessing about overhead and start focusing on progress. Change charity, and charity can change the world. – Dan Pallotta
Antony BeevorRespect Teaching the history of the British Empire links in with that of the world: for better and for worse, the Empire made us what we are, forming our national identity. A country that does not understand its own history is unlikely to respect that of others. – Antony Beevor
Taboo I was the first Pea to have kids – you know how it is – I have three wonderful children, and when we talked about that time, and Fergie would say ‘Tab, what is it like?’ I always told her when the time is right, it’s gonna happen for you, and God bless her, and I can’t wait to see baby Ferg. – Taboo
Darren Fletcher I stayed silent until about 2011 or 2012 because it’s not something you generally talk about, the symptoms of ulcerative colitis. – Darren Fletcher
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