Ann Wilson You have to also provide a video for it, look a certain way and big hair… If you’re a woman it’s even more strange with fake fingernails and corsets and all this stuff that was big in the 80s. – Ann Wilson Corsets Quotes Fake Quotes Fingernails Quotes Hair Quotes Provide Quotes Strange Quotes Stuff Quotes Video Quotes Woman Quotes We’re not like Alice In Chains where somebody dies and the band breaks up. Heart’s always been sort of like a cockroach. You can set off a bomb, and it’ll still be alive underneath.
Lynne Ramsay I’ve found that film-making’s not just a job, it becomes part of your whole life. – Lynne Ramsay
Alexandra Fuller There’s a point at which writing a book, or a long article, begins to feel like mental labor, and it’s too painful to connect in the world in any real way mid-process. The only way to survive is to write until it is all said and done. – Alexandra Fuller
Janet Mock I know how messy things can get when adults overstep their boundaries and insert themselves – their politics, their fears, their prejudices, their ignorance – into the lives of young people. – Janet Mock
Mary Wortley Montagu Tis a sort of duty to be rich, that it may be in one’s power to do good, riches being another word for power. – Mary Wortley Montagu
Lisa Nicole Carson It helps if you really enjoy your jobs. If you don’t, then just think about the money. – Lisa Nicole Carson
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