Kareem Abdul-Jabbar You have to be able to center yourself, to let all of your emotions go… Don’t ever forget that you play with your soul as well as your body. – Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Body Quotes Center Quotes Emotions Quotes Forget Quotes Play Quotes Soul Quotes When I was a kid, no one would believe anything positive that you could say about black people. That’s a terrible burden. I’m not comfortable being preachy, but more people need to start spending as much time in the library as they do on the basketball court.
NatureYehuda Berg If we can soften our hearts, and if we can access the pure and simple aspect of our nature, then we can regain the realization that everything we need is already inside us and anything is attainable. – Yehuda Berg
Alan Lightman We’re plugged in 24 hours a day now. We’re all part of one big machine, whether we are conscious of that or not. And if we can’t unplug from that machine, eventually we’re going to become mindless. – Alan Lightman
Rick Harrison We talk nonstop about what needs to be changed, and everyone has excuses for why the changes can’t happen. I believe we must change our educational system first to get the changes moving forward. I’m happy to be a voice and get in front of an audience who can help by making education a priority. – Rick Harrison
Barun Sobti I like to have my share of parties, but I am not the late night person. Not that we don’t do parties at all, but that does not happen very frequently. – Barun Sobti
Brendon Urie I was a maniac as a teenager; I’m not going to sugarcoat it. I was crazy. – Brendon Urie
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