Scott Moir You have to be pretty fortunate to do multiple games and have a shot at medals. – Scott Moir Fortunate Quotes Games Quotes Medals Quotes Multiple Quotes Pretty Quotes Shot Quotes Tess and I have a unique relationship, she is like my younger but way more mature sister. Obviously, the skaters in generations before us didn’t have the opportunity to win multiple medals at an Olympic Games. We recognize that.
Bill Rancic Tight hamstrings are fierce. And I’m guilty of not allocating the time that I should to stretch. I’ll put the time in for the runs, but then I go, ‘I have to go here. I’ve got to go there.’ Usually, stretching is what gets cut out of the program, but it’s so critical. – Bill Rancic
Chris Christie If you’re sick, take your sick day. If you don’t take your sick day, know what your reward is? You weren’t sick – that was the reward. – Chris Christie
Peter Higgs The point came when people were doing things I didn’t feel competent to do myself. I’m not being modest; I honestly get lost. I was lucky in spotting what I did when I did, but there comes a point where you realise what you’re doing is not going to be much good. – Peter Higgs
Dean Potter I started free-soloing harder and harder routes, kind of proving to myself that I could take control of this, pretty much the biggest fear I had – falling to my death. – Dean Potter
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