Dido Harding You have to have a thick skin if you think what you are doing is right. – Dido Harding Skin Quotes I made a really stupid promise to my husband in my early 20s, when he and I were first going out, that I would retire as a jockey when I was 40. My mental analogy for TalkTalk is an ageing Ford Cortina going flat out in the fast lane of the M4 in the pouring rain. We are always hammering along faster than anybody thinks is sensible, with things not quite working, but huge enthusiasm.
Liv Bruce Only having one melody instrument in play at a time meant that we could improvise more in our practices. – Liv Bruce
Joe Buck I never thought I would get remarried, I love golf too much. I wanted the freedom to play whenever I’m not broadcasting. Then I met a woman I couldn’t live without. – Joe Buck
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