Royce Gracie You have to know your opponent and take him out of his game. – Royce Gracie Game Quotes Opponent Quotes My second fight at UFC 1, I fought Ken Shamrock. In the fight I choked him. As soon as he tapped, I let go. He tried to continue, but the ref got kind of stuck like, ‘should I let it go or stop the fight.’ That’s when I looked at the ref and I said, let it go, we’re going to continue. When you’re a fighter, you have to be ready all the time. There’s no ‘I need a month.’ It’s always time.
ExperienceWalter Pater Not the fruit of experience, but experience itself, is the end. – Walter Pater
Marcy Kaptur One could say that Osama bin Laden and these non-nation-state fighters with religious purpose are very similar to those kind of atypical revolutionaries that helped to cast off the British crown. – Marcy Kaptur
Cindy Sheehan Every day is a new sense of tearing my heart out of my body again when I see other children who have been killed, and I know what their families are going through. – Cindy Sheehan
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