John Perez You have to make the most responsible decisions you can with the resources you have. – John Perez Decisions Quotes Resources Quotes Responsible Quotes I’m running for controller to ensure our government reflects the values of the people of California and increases prosperity by managing our finances smartly, efficiently and effectively. We can’t afford not to fully fund education.
Abby Huntsman You don’t see people that are willing to say ‘You know what, you might be different politically, but let’s find some common ground, let’s find ways that we’re actually similar.’ We just assume immediately that we have nothing in common, what can even talk to that person about. – Abby Huntsman
AmazingFelicia Day Social media is an amazing tool, but it’s really the face-to-face interaction that makes a long-term impact. – Felicia Day
Seth Moulton I voted against H.R. 4293, the Stress Test Improvement Act of 2017, which would modify the regulatory oversight of certain financial institutions in a way that is likely to expose our economy to greater risk. – Seth Moulton
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