Mike Krieger You have to tailor yourself to everybody. Sometimes people need a firmer hand; some people you can have a laugh with, and they concentrate more. What they needed was more certainty about the future of the company. – Mike Krieger Certainty Quotes Company Quotes Concentrate Quotes Firmer Quotes Future Quotes Hand Quotes Laugh Quotes People Quotes Tailor Quotes I was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and from an early age was interested in technology and engineering. Focus on doing the right things instead of a bunch of things.
BusinessJonathan Groff Even the first suitcase-off-the-train moment, it’s easy to be discouraged, frustrated, annoyed, angry. Because you’re waiting in freezing weather outside of an open call, and you’re like, ‘This moment of me right now is not the joy I felt when I was doing J. Pierrepont Finch in ‘How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying’ in high school.’ – Jonathan Groff
Joe Elliott The best holiday I ever had was the first one I went on without my parents, when I was 17. – Joe Elliott
Blake Farenthold You turn on the TV, and you hear all these guys: ‘Republican Party in disarray. Turmoil in Washington.’ I don’t think that’s the case. – Blake Farenthold
David Einhorn We believe in constructing the portfolio so that we put our biggest amount of money in our highest-conviction idea, and then we view the other ideas relative to that. – David Einhorn
Samira Wiley Whether you watch ‘Law and Order’ all the time or not, everyone knows what it looks like. Everyone knows what the courtroom looks like, what the police precinct looks like. – Samira Wiley
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