Jack Hanna You know, having raised animals all my life for 50-something years, I would say that you know, I’m fascinated by cats. – Jack Hanna Animals Quotes Cats Quotes Fascinated Quotes Life Quotes Raised Quotes I’ve been out all over the world tranquilizing animals. If I find myself afraid or scared, that means I’m doing the wrong thing.
Mario Kempes What’s the problem that people have here in Spain with Maradona and Messi? They spend the whole day comparing them. – Mario Kempes
Harry Styles I heard some stuff recently from Julian Casablancas, and his solo stuff is amazing. If I could write with anyone, it would be him. – Harry Styles
Morten Tyldum I thought I knew who Alan Turing was. I’ve always loved history, and I was actually shocked by how little I actually knew. I was amazed this wasn’t common knowledge. Why wasn’t he on the front covers of my history books? He’s one of the great thinkers of the last century, and he was sort of pushed into the shadows. – Morten Tyldum
FutureGoodHeath Ledger I’m not good at future planning. I don’t plan at all. I don’t know what I’m doing tomorrow. I don’t have a day planner and I don’t have a diary. I completely live in the now, not in the past, not in the future. – Heath Ledger
Emma RobertsTravel I’m obsessed with Nicholas Sparks. I’ve literally read every single book, because every time I travel, at the airport, I always buy a new Nicholas Sparks book. – Emma Roberts
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