Amarinder Singh You know the fact is that whenever there is a celebration for a person as great as Guru Nanakji, it is done by the government. – Amarinder Singh Celebration Quotes Government Quotes Guru Quotes Nanakji Quotes Person Quotes Green Revolution 1.0 came in 1966-67. I was a farmer then myself. Back then, we were getting food from wherever there was a surplus, Australia, the U.S., Canada. We signed an agreement with Americans and were getting wheat from them. If Punjab could remain unaffected by the Hindutva plank and vote for development agenda, then the tide can, and will, turn in other states too.
Eric Greitens I actually think it’s very important that the Navy SEAL community stay out of politics. – Eric Greitens
Julia Ward Howe Beneath all differences of doctrine or discipline there exists a fundamental agreement as to the simple, absolute essentials in religion. – Julia Ward Howe
Bhagat SinghFutureSociety In the future society, i.e. the communist society that we want to build, we are not going to establish charity institution, as there shall be no needy or poor, and no alms-giving and alms-taking. – Bhagat Singh
James William Middleton My mother and father have been fantastic help and a huge support for me. Like any other family, though, we have our moments, living and working together. – James William Middleton
Friedrich NietzscheFriendshipLoveMarriage It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages. – Friedrich Nietzsche
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