Greg Olsen You look at the skills involved, especially with things like lateral movement or change of direction, and there’s definitely a strong correlation between playing basketball and playing tight end. – Greg Olsen Basketball Quotes Change Quotes Correlation Quotes Direction Quotes Involved Quotes Lateral Quotes Movement Quotes Playing Quotes Skills Quotes Strong Quotes Tight Quotes From the strength involved, the jumping, to body positioning and control, there are similarities. Playing basketball at a pretty good high school level, in a state where there were strong programs, definitely helped make me a better tight end. The reality of going to the Super Bowl was beyond words, as was the disappointment of falling short.
Donald McCaig A young dog’s faith is absolute… Dogs are notorious for hope. Dogs believe that this morning, this very morning, may begin a day of fascination, easily grander than any day in the past. – Donald McCaig
FreedomSylvester McCoy Now I’m old… maybe I’m still an eccentric hippie. There’s a wonderful freedom in the eccentricity – you can go places, you can be wacky, and you don’t have to be constrained. I think that’s why people are eccentric – eccentricity is a weapon… and it’s great! – Sylvester McCoy
Joseph de Maistre I don’t know what a scoundrel is like, but I know what a respectable man is like, and it’s enough to make one’s flesh creep. – Joseph de Maistre
Nik Wallenda To do this walk, I believe it’s around 2,000 feet, to go from the U.S. to Canada. I would train walking a wire almost 8,000 feet, to overtrain for this. – Nik Wallenda
Ingrid Seward The first year of marriage is not always easy, especially within the Royal Family. – Ingrid Seward
Ronnie Montrose My philosophy is, honestly, never collected anything that I don’t play. I know a lot of people that collect guitars, but for me, I want instruments that I play. And if I don’t play them, I don’t’ want to have them sitting in a closet collecting dust. – Ronnie Montrose
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