John Dickerson You lose yourself in the to-do list and never tackle those big things you promised you would when the campaign came to an end. – John Dickerson Campaign Quotes List Quotes Lose Quotes Promised Quotes Tackle Quotes Todo Quotes When the kids were young, they just wanted to be around us. We were units of comfort and support. As they get older, we work the turnstile, helping the exasperated customer pass whatever temporary obstacle is keeping them from their next exciting thing. Now we’re the ones who just like having them in the room. When the campaign ends, and you are home, the alarm clock is the same, but you don’t know where to start after it goes off: expense reports, new stories, the crusted paint cans that have to go to the hazardous-waste disposal site, the wiper blade on the Honda that has gone droopy.
John Hodgman Many people, many girls have tried to teach me the rules to football. And you would think that it would get in my head that way, but I just don’t understand it. – John Hodgman
Idris Elba I’m rebelling against being handed a career, like, ‘You’re the next this; you’re the next that.’ I’m not the next anything, I’m the first me. I can’t be myself, I can’t just be Idris Elba. But that’s just the nature of the business. – Idris Elba
Sebastian Coe To anyone who has started out on a long campaign believing that the gold medal was destined for him, the feeling when, all of a sudden, the medal has gone somewhere else is quite indescribable. – Sebastian Coe
Gail Bradbrook I’ve always been interested in how things change, in social change. I was involved in the animal rights movement as a young woman, I’ve been involved in thinking about gender and issues around racism and so on. – Gail Bradbrook
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