Morning Star You may kill me here; but you cannot make me go back. – Morning Star Kill Quotes We will not go. The only way to get us there is to come in here with clubs and knock us on the head, and drag us out and take us down there dead. If our women are willing to die with us, who is there to say no?
Dee Wallace I would never butt heads with Rob Zombie. I don’t know anybody that’s in acting that ever butted heads with Rob Zombie. I adore Rob. I adore him. I adore working with him. I adore knowing him. I’m happy to consider myself a friend and someone who he hires. I just think he’s great. – Dee Wallace
Suze OrmanTrust You must trust yourself more than you trust others. Pay attention to your inner voice – it will tell you if how and in what you are investing is right for you. – Suze Orman
Claire Holt One of the interesting things about being a female police officer in the ’60s is they really didn’t have opportunities to do any serious police work – they filed, and they made coffee, and they were treated like secretaries. – Claire Holt
Erika Jayne I love costume jewelry, because, listen, you can’t pick a real jewel every day. – Erika Jayne
Steve Harvey I don’t want to be 60 years old standing on stage telling some jokes. I want my life to mean something. – Steve Harvey
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