Lydia Millet You need not fear my extinction. Fear my proliferation! I’ve already reproduced! – Lydia Millet Extinction Quotes Fear Quotes Proliferation Quotes Reproduced Quotes I think that young readers have very strong stomachs. Both climate change and extinction are results of our tyranny over the nonhuman world and our domination of, and exploitation of, whole categories of each other – and those, in turn, are clearly linked to agriculture, the cattle-industrial complex, capitalism.
Melissa Bean Social security, bank account, and credit card numbers aren’t just data. In the wrong hands they can wipe out someone’s life savings, wreck their credit and cause financial ruin. – Melissa Bean
Andrew Lansley I didn’t go into politics because I wanted to win a popularity contest. – Andrew Lansley
BestTheodore Roosevelt In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing. – Theodore Roosevelt
Al Lopez Managing can be more discouraging than playing, especially when you’re losing because when you’re a player, there are at least individual goals you can shoot for. When you’re a manager all the worries of the team become your worries. – Al Lopez
Cary Fowler We now know that we cannot continue to put ever-increasing amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere. Actions have consequences. In fact, the consequences of past actions are already in the pipeline. Global temperatures are rising. Glaciers are melting. Sea levels are rising. Extreme weather events are multiplying. – Cary Fowler
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