Amir KhanFuture You never know what will happen in the future – I would never say ‘no’ to getting into MMA. – Amir Khan Future Quotes Happen Quotes Mma Quotes We need to look to the future. You can’t come up with new things unless you constantly forget the past. There’s no reason to keep wearing the same pair of pants. Once we agree on the future, the present will be much easier. A captain who does not know where he wants to sail, there is no wind on Earth that will bring him there. We have first to decide where we want to go, where we want to sail.
Jenny Zhang We’re not the best about knowing what’s the most interesting about ourselves. – Jenny Zhang
George M Church If you get very fine, accurate, and inexpensive control over your genome, you can fundamentally change the kind of organism you are. You are extending human capacity. – George M Church
DietKaley Cuoco Diet cola is my absolute favorite drink in the world; I used to drink four cans a day. But to help me cut down, I’ve turned it into a treat. Now, instead of having dessert, I’ll have a can of diet soda. Putting a limit on how often I can drink it has helped me appreciate it more. – Kaley Cuoco
Hector Bellerin In life, you should be allowed to express yourself. People are happier like this. – Hector Bellerin
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