Ann Wilson You noticed from last night, we only did two from the 80s. And our set’s two hours long. – Ann Wilson Hours Quotes Night Quotes Noticed Quotes Sets Quotes I’m a little bit more unusual so I consider myself as the black sheep. I think the theme of the album probably was just that it was our first record.
Angela Yee There can never silence or dead air so you’re constantly having to talk about something even if in your head you’re like ‘I don’t even know what I’m saying right now.’ But you have to still be interesting. – Angela Yee
Mark McKinnon The office of the president is the most powerful in the world. It is also, at times, the most powerless. – Mark McKinnon
Nick Wooster I think many men are either time poor or have little interest in going to stores. I love stores. – Nick Wooster
Lucinda Williams I grew up in a very literate, very independent household where people spoke their ideas and were very supportive of helping each other find their own way. – Lucinda Williams
FriendshipSarah Hyland I’m friends with Taylor Swift, and I am tired of people asking me questions about our friendship. When I post a picture of us on Instagram, I’m posting a picture of me and my friend. – Sarah Hyland
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