Bernard Tomic You probably don’t like me but, at only 24, you guys can only dream about having what I have at 24. – Bernard Tomic Dream Quotes Guys Quotes I didn’t come from a rich family. We had no money. And now living in all these lavish houses and property around the world, it’s my choice. It’s something that I’ve worked for. End of the day, don’t like me or whatever. Just go back dreaming about your dream car or house while I go buy them.
Serena Williams I’m not used to crying. It’s a little difficult. All my life I’ve had to fight. It’s just another fight I’m going to have to learn how to win, that’s all. I’m just going to have to keep smiling. – Serena Williams
Henry Charles Carey In 1833, protection was abandoned, and a tariff was established by which it was provided that we should, in a few years, have a system of merely revenue duties. – Henry Charles Carey
Christine McVie We’ve always connected musically in Fleetwood Mac because we’re the only people who play more than one note. I’m not the best pianist, but I know how to interlace around what Lindsey’s playing. – Christine McVie
Laura Dekker When I’m not surfing or sailing, I am to be found at the harbour working on my boat. – Laura Dekker
Anupama Parameswaran Things went topsy-turvy when two of my dogs died all of a sudden due to a parvovirus attack. – Anupama Parameswaran
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