Randall Cunningham You set a goal to win a state championship, to get a scholarship, then your focus is on just playing in the NFL. You want to make money. – Randall Cunningham Championship Quotes Focus Quotes Goal Quotes Money Quotes Nfl Quotes Playing Quotes Scholarship Quotes Set Quotes Win Quotes My whole thing is that if I can encourage people, I’m fulfilling part of my assignment. The old saying about, ‘Well, he is an African-American quarterback and can’t get the job done,’ is a myth now. Doug Williams shredded that myth.
Molly O'Keefe I, for one, love kids in my romance novels. When done right, kids add so much conflict. Not just of the ‘interruption on the way to the bedroom’ variety. But conflict about commitment and insecurity. – Molly O’Keefe
Angel Di Maria My dad worked all day. He would get up at five in the morning and didn’t stop working until 10 at night, every day the same. – Angel Di Maria
Anita Dobson I was brought up in the East End, and if a man was inappropriate in a bar, you’d throw your drink over him. – Anita Dobson
LifePositiveWilliam James Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact. – William James
BeautyCindy Margolis Having inner beauty is something you develop on your own, and I like to think I have that. – Cindy Margolis
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