Jim Sullivan You sit there waiting for the RED LIGHT to go on. You could be sitting there for five minutes, waiting, while the producer talks to the engineer. Then the light goes on you know that you mustn’t make a mistake for at least 4 minutes. – Jim Sullivan Engineer Quotes Light Quotes Minutes Quotes Mistake Quotes Producer Quotes Red Quotes Sit Quotes Sitting Quotes Talks Quotes Waiting Quotes It wasn’t all spent on practicing, I did do other things! but the classical guitar means a lot to me so I spend many hours building good chops and getting a good program together. Lots of people think it was Jimmy Page who had the first fuzzbox. It wasn’t, No! it wasn’t me either.
Jaycie Phelps It’s never easy at the Olympic level. Russia, Romania and China always are contenders. – Jaycie Phelps
EqualityMary Douglas Mormons… are so strong, they can handle wealth, they are confident. I think it is because they are not bogged down by rules for equality, but have a firmly defined system of relative status and responsible command. – Mary Douglas
Leif Garrett The stardom thing happened and now I’m trying to make a comeback, if you want to call it that. – Leif Garrett
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