Earl Warren You sit up there, and you see the whole gamut of human nature. Even if the case being argued involves only a little fellow and $50, it involves justice. That’s what is important. – Earl Warren Argued Quotes Fellow Quotes Gamut Quotes Human Quotes Involves Quotes Justice Quotes Nature Quotes Sit Quotes Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal. The police must obey the law while enforcing the law.
Naseeruddin Shah It is always a pleasure to be directed by an actor because they know the scene from the actor’s perspective, too. That’s an advantage. – Naseeruddin Shah
Shepard Fairey I never set out to be a groundbreaking artist in the sense of doing something that’s never been done before. I set out to make stuff that communicated quickly and effectively, playing off of advertising, pop art, and pop culture. – Shepard Fairey
Andrew Buchan I did work hard at auditions, and three years at RADA isn’t like a walk in the park. And then it takes a lot of sacrifices, giving certain things up in order to audition, in order to do a play, whatever it may be. – Andrew Buchan
David Foster Wallace I often think I can see it in myself and in other young writers, this desperate desire to please coupled with a kind of hostility to the reader. – David Foster Wallace
Jason Robards I have six children, and we neglect our older ones more. Because we were so busy trying to make a living, we just say hello and goodbye… I’m sure those things stick with you. – Jason Robards
Miguel Ferrer My boys have both said they want to be in the movies or on TV, and anytime I hear that, I say, ‘That’s wonderful; you’re free to do it right after you graduate from college.’ – Miguel Ferrer
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