Frank PressTravel You travel across the country, you visit departments, you give talks, you talk about the work at your laboratory – what’s going on, what the opportunities are there – you talk about your own research. – Frank Press Country Quotes Departments Quotes Laboratory Quotes Opportunities Quotes Talk Quotes Talks Quotes Travel Quotes Visit Quotes Human uploads have such a natural advantage over present-day people in the environment of space, it’s exceedingly unlikely flesh-and-blood beings will ever engage in interstellar travel. I think the movie business and film crews are a little bit like the circus, in that we travel around like a pack and we’re a big family for a finite period of time. We roll into someplace, cause a bunch of damage, and then roll out.
Mardy Fish I have some great memories from the Olympics I also have some tough memories from it as well, where I was so close to winning a gold medal. – Mardy Fish
Benedict Samuel I’ve picked up so much about the technical aspects of filmmaking and television. – Benedict Samuel
Phil Collins My only saving grace is that I actually collect things that nobody else is interested in. – Phil Collins
CourageLucius Annaeus Seneca There is nothing in the world so much admired as a man who knows how to bear unhappiness with courage. – Lucius Annaeus Seneca
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