Haim Saban You watch the pennies, and the dollars take care of themselves. – Haim Saban Care Quotes Dollars Quotes Pennies Quotes Watch Quotes When people would ask me what do you do, I’d say I make music for cartoons. I could see the compassion in their eyes. I gotta tell you, there was no room for compassion: I was making money hand over fists. I had a big group of harpists from Japan in October of 1973 ready to tour the country and the Yom Kippur War took us all by surprise. There were no concerts, no shows – there was no way for them to even leave because the airport was closed. I had to return the money. I had paid them in advance.
Larry Wilmore In my time, I experienced a black man not being able to be the quarterback of a football team. – Larry Wilmore
Neil Jordan Films have gotten leaner and leaner, cutting out all variations from the story line. – Neil Jordan
Erin O'ConnorPositive I’ve been on both sides: the victim and the villain. I was the victimised model, and everything from my weight to my fertility was held up for discussion. And then I was the person that could garner some kind of positive outcome, by taking on the role of vice chairman of the British Fashion Council and becoming an activist of body image. – Erin O’Connor
IntelligenceLinda Hunt I can’t be a man. But I can embrace the head of a man, the intelligence of a man, the spirit of a man. – Linda Hunt
Kenneth Fisher All equity categories, correctly calculated, create near-identical lifelong returns. They just get there via wildly differing paths. – Kenneth Fisher
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