David Harsanyi You’ll often hear the left lecture about the importance of dissent in a free society. – David Harsanyi Dissent Quotes Hear Quotes Lecture Quotes Left Quotes Society Quotes Admittedly, I possess virtually no expertise in science. That puts me in exactly the same position as most dogmatic environmentalists who want to craft public policy around global warming fears. Progressivism is the belief that we have too much freedom with which to make too many stupid choices.
Geraldine Brooks I think probably the scaredest I’ve ever been was in Somalia. I arrived there when the episode that became known as ‘Black Hawk Down’ was still taking place. The Americans were still pinned down under fire. And everybody else was basically going the other way, and I was the only one putting my hand up for a flight in. – Geraldine Brooks
Brian Molko I used to fly off the handle in everyday life, but I’m a little calmer now. – Brian Molko
Elsa Peretti I like to push myself to achieve a certain quality, eliminate the excess detail. I always want a high degree of purity. – Elsa Peretti
Dan Aykroyd Folks have to pin me down because, for one thing, I don’t have a laptop. I don’t have an iPhone, and I refuse to carry them because they’re immensely hackable. – Dan Aykroyd
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