Aaron D O'Connell Your connections to all the things around you literally define who you are. – Aaron D O’Connell Connections Quotes Define Quotes Literally Quotes We talk about quantum weirdness and things being in two places at once, but it all involves atoms and molecules, stuff we don’t normally interact with.
David Kirsch As parents, we have a responsibility to teach our family and our children everything they need to know about good health and eating and movement, and just an everyday healthy life. – David Kirsch
Deb Caletti Bliss is the ocean, a towel on the sand, the sun out, the chance to swim in waves or walk dragging a stick behind you, a good book, a cold drink. – Deb Caletti
Brooklyn Decker Whenever I’m near a body of water, I love to rent a kayak. It’s easy to use, and you not only get a cardio workout but also do a vigorous upper-body workout, pushing and pulling your paddle through the water. – Brooklyn Decker
Jennifer Konner Lena Dunham texts me every morning the minute she wakes up to make sure I’m alive. – Jennifer Konner
Ann Hood I often feel that I have a split personality. I love more than anything to be in my study writing, but when it’s time to do a book tour, I love that extroverted part, too – talking to people, reading, traveling, going out into the world. – Ann Hood
KiKi LaynePatience Watching ‘Moonlight,’ I just recognized this patience in the film – allowing moments to live and linger – and I just thought that was so beautiful. – KiKi Layne
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