Frank Deford You’re writing about young, vibrant people; there are wins and losses. In other words, it’s great drama. – Frank Deford Drama Quotes Losses Quotes People Quotes Vibrant Quotes Wins Quotes Writing Quotes I think, in accepting the amount of money that athletes make, I think that fans accept that now. It’s the nature of the beast; that’s the way it is, so they understand it. All, I think, fans have changed – because the price of tickets has gone up so much – that they feel a certain sense of entitlement when they go to a game. NPR allowed me to treat sports seriously, as another branch on the tree of culture.
Anne Hathaway I love fashion; I love being able to have fun with it, but I think I need to get a little bit more organised before I ever become a true fashionista. – Anne Hathaway
Elia Kazan I used to spend most of my time straining to be a nice guy so people would like me. – Elia Kazan
Isaac Hanson I think downloading is both saving and killing the music industry at the same time. – Isaac Hanson
Charles Churchill The danger chiefly lies in acting well; no crime’s so great as daring to excel. – Charles Churchill
Marty Walsh It’s the only – one thing I’ve learned in the labor movement is solidarity. We can only overcome the challenges if we stand together. – Marty Walsh
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