Nick Hornby Youth is a quality not unlike health: it’s found in greater abundance among the young, but we all need access to it. – Nick Hornby Abundance Quotes Access Quotes Health Quotes Quality Quotes Youth Quotes It takes big business a couple of decades to work out how best to exploit a cultural form; once that has happened, ‘that high-low fork in the road’ is unavoidable, and the middle way begins to look impossibly daunting. Radio football is football reduced to its lowest common denominator.
Jimmy Buffett To describe my scarce leisure time in today’s terms, I always default to reading. – Jimmy Buffett
Danielle Macdonald Kendrick is phenomenal. I’ve never tried and practiced a song that was as hard as when I practiced Kendrick’s verse on ‘Control.’ He’s a genius. I think that people do recognize it. – Danielle Macdonald
Lloyd Dorfman The key thing for me is to secure medium-term funding for the Roundhouse studios. It costs around £2m a year to run, but we want to grow it, and of course that will cost more. – Lloyd Dorfman
Anne Dudley We all shared an admiration of Debussy both as a musician and as sort of an icon for the 20th century. It seemed like an interesting idea to go right back 100 years to find the source of some new ideas now. – Anne Dudley
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