Eugene Lee Yang YouTube opened up the types of voices and alternative ways of viewing ourselves that would never have been greenlit by a Hollywood studio. – Eugene Lee Yang Alternative Quotes Greenlit Quotes Hollywood Quotes Studio Quotes Types Quotes Viewing Quotes Voices Quotes Youtube Quotes I really did hate who I was. Even before BuzzFeed, Asian-American faces and voices were so prevalent online as huge YouTubers.
Jose Feliciano I never knew Mother Teresa, but I admired her, especially in this day and age when there aren’t many heroes. – Jose Feliciano
Mick Foley It’s funny: wrestlers and comics bond over remembering their best shows and their absolute worst shows. – Mick Foley
Robert Lewandowski When I was a young player, I never dreamed of scoring five goals in a game – and in nine minutes is something else. And when it happened, it was incredible that there could ever be anything like that in the history of the game. It took me a couple of days to realise what I’d done. – Robert Lewandowski
Herman Melville Is there some principal of nature which states that we never know the quality of what we have until it is gone? – Herman Melville
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