Scott Storch You’ve got to continue to be patient and get all your ducks in a row in order to make a success within this business. It’s not an easy thing to get into. It takes years and years and years. – Scott Storch Business Quotes Continue Quotes Ducks Quotes Easy Quotes Patient Quotes Row Quotes Success Quotes Takes Quotes Biggie was to me the guy who was the best at painting the picture and making you visualize something, Pac was the best poet, and I feel like Jay Z is all of the above. Then Rick Ross is just, every line he spits is just perfect, and he’s one of my favorite MCs of all time. I live in the studio and I’m inspired.
Daisy Ashford Her name was called Lady Helena Herring and her age was 25 and she mated well with the earl. – Daisy Ashford
Jerry Springer I’m always playing a role, whether it’s the role of the mayor, the role of a news anchor, or a role of a crazy talk-show host. But there was a specific function. ‘On Dancing With The Stars’, I had nothing to do but be me, schlepping around the floor. And when I host ‘America’s Got Talent’, that’s really me just talking to regular folks. – Jerry Springer
Jay KayRespect Your private life is your private life and you keep it to yourself. You get more respect that way. – Jay Kay
Rod Stewart I have a voice coach, but only in so much as to make my voice stronger so I can sing for five nights a week, two hours. – Rod Stewart
Logan Green I try to block a couple of hours of unscheduled time every day so that I can work on the day’s most important projects. – Logan Green
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