Jonas Valanciunas You’ve got to rebound, because rebounding is the last phase of your defense. – Jonas Valanciunas Defense Quotes Phase Quotes Rebound Quotes Rebounding Quotes It’s not an individual sport, so winning is ultimately what matters. Always to see a main guy going down, it’s bad.
Ciara It becomes obvious when people are sincere in their criticism and when they’re not. I’ve learned over time that people will always have something to say. – Ciara
Brad Feld For a long time, I’ve ranted against naming your startup community ‘Silicon Whatever.’ Instead, I believe every startup community already has a name. The Boulder startup community is called Boulder. The L.A. startup community is called L.A. The Washington D.C. startup community is called Washington D.C. – Brad Feld
Chuck Liddell If you watch fights cage-side, sometimes different punches look better than others. It’s like camera angles. Sometimes some punches look a lot better than they were, and sometimes a solid punch doesn’t look good. So it just depends on your angle. – Chuck Liddell
EqualityRita Dove Equality and self-determination should never be divided in the name of religious or ideological fervor. – Rita Dove
Alice Ripley The musicals on Broadway have not necessarily been true musical theater. I’m speaking generally, of course: I saw ‘Spring Awakening,’ and I was completely inspired by that. – Alice Ripley
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